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Hornady 20 Ga SST Sabot Slug 2.75" 250 Grain Ammo 5 Rounds

Hornady 20 Ga SST Sabot Slug 2.75" 250 Grain Ammo 5 Rounds

SST Sabot shotgun slugs take the proven performance of the super accurate SST bullet and transforms it into your favorite rifled barrel slug gun that out performs some centerfire rifles With premium polymer tips and unmatched accuracy the SST sabot slug will fly faster and farther on a flatter trajectory to initiate expansion at all velocities Top quality, well designed shells are very effective within their range limitations and buckshot delivers a velocity of 1,370 fps with 8 pellets of 00 buckshot
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Product Info
  • Brand
  • SKU
  • Quantity in stock
    8 item(s) available
  • Condition
  • Quantity
    5 Rounds
  • Gauge
    20 Ga
  • Length
    2.75 inches
  • Load Charge
  • Shot Size
    250 Grain Sabot Slug
  • Best Use
    Deer (Rifled Bore)
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